Neville Goddard’s Infinite States & Hawkins Attractors – The Pilgrimage of Consciousness
I was reading Neville Goddard and stumbled upon this interesting passage in one of his lectures.
“These unseen things are states of consciousness and all states exist. They are with us now. You and I are travelers and we travel through states as a pilgrim travels through cities…I can travel through the state of poverty…I didn’t like it, so I moved out of the state called poverty but I don’t destroy it. The state is there for everyone to enter.”
I remember travelling to the United States for the first time in 2018.
As I flew into Los Angeles, I felt a strange energy.
Looking out of the plane’s window I noticed the buildings were dusty.
The colour, a strange greyish brown, and an ominous fog lay siege to the city.
LAX Airport was a complete disaster. I was surprised to see there weren’t many public toilets or seats.
The people I talked to in Los Angeles didn’t seem friendly.
I asked an airport worker for directions; he looked at me with annoyance as if I had asked him to wipe my ass.
Talking about ass, the place smelled terrible.
The homeless epidemic was raging even back then. It was a sad sight to behold.
LA was very different from my home city of Sydney, and the contrast was noticeable upon landing.
To some people, LA is just perfect, and they would never dream of leaving ‘The City of Fallen Angels’.
Just like countries, cities and suburbs have a different feel.
Neville proposes that in the invisible realm of consciousness there are different states which one can enter.
Each state has a corresponding vibe which will resonate with certain people.
Take the state of poverty.
It usually corresponds with the following ideas:
- Pessimism
- Apathy
- Shame
- Desperation
The people who are in a state of poverty in Africa are not very different from those experiencing the state in Vietnam.
People who are in a state of grief in Australia often behave in a similar way to people experiencing it in Japan.
These states are emotional cities, each with distinguishable characteristics.
When you enter a state, you take on the behavior of the attractor field of that state.
Lorenz Butterfly & Chaos theory
I first learned about Attractor Fields as a teenager studying chemistry and physics.
I would read the New Scientist magazines and watch countless documentaries on quantum physics and astronomy.
One of the most interesting things I investigated was Chaos Theory.
You might have seen a picture of the Lorenz butterfly before.
The image has become the poster boy of chaos theory alongside the concept of the butterfly effect.
Here is a quick story of how this image came to be.
Edward Lorenz was a scientist who was studying weather conditions.
He came up with a model to predict the weather using a computer.
Lorenz discovered that when he made tiny changes in his weather model’s starting conditions, the outcomes would drastically diverge.
It didn’t matter how minuscule the differences were, the end result would always diverge.
This happened because weather is a chaotic system.
It is sensitive to initial conditions.
The iconic water droplet scene from Jurassic Park further illustrates this idea.
Do you remember when Dr. Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum) dropped water on Dr. Ellie Sattler’s (Laura Dern) hand?
He went on to explain how despite his hand being in a similar position for each drop, the water did not always follow the same path.
Small changes in the initial position of his finger, the texture of her skin, and even the molecules in the air can lead to drastic changes in the outcome.
Sensitivity to initial conditions is the hallmark of chaotic systems.
This is where the idea of a butterfly flapping its wings in New Zealand leading to a hurricane in Florida came from.
This is also why it’s almost impossible to predict the weather for next month even with the most powerful supercomputers.
Small errors in the calculation can lead to completely different results.
Let’s get back to our boy Lorenz.
He decided to plot the different initial conditions on a graph using some boring mathematics, non-linear equations and things we don’t really care too much about.
However, what he discovered was astonishing.
The mathematical plot of these outcomes over time produced a shape that looked like a butterfly, known as the Lorenz attractor.
No two points ever followed the same path, but they followed a similar pattern. They would loop around two points.
These regions of attraction are known as attractors in chaos theory.
It turns out the same attractor fields can be seen in fields such as fluid mechanics, human biology and even the arrangement of our stars in the sky.
There is a hidden order amongst seemingly meaningless data.
Many years later, Dr. David R. Hawkins would borrow this idea from physics and apply it to the realm of consciousness.
Dr. David R. Hawkins and Attractor Fields
David R. Hawkins is famously known for his map of consciousness which gained popularity from his book Power vs Force.
This map separates different levels of consciousness from those of the lowest to highest energy.
The lowest level corresponds with the feeling of shame.
The highest level being the state of enlightenment.
According to Hawkins, the scale was created through a mix of kinesiology muscle testing methods and the existence of invisible attractor fields of consciousness.
“Man is immobilized in his present condition by his alignment with enormously powerful attractor energy patterns, which he himself unconsciously sets in motion.”
– David R. Hawkins
In layman’s terms subconscious processes run the individual.
Small changes in starting conditions can lead to drastic changes in thought patterns.
Changes in thoughts lead to changes in outer conditions.
The thoughts of the individual and masses encircle certain invisible attractor fields of consciousness.
This is why we see many of the same behaviors in different people who are in different places.
Just like a point on Lorenz’s butterfly follows a similar pattern around the attractor to other points, many people on Earth are unable to escape the pull of undesirable ‘states’.
Attractor fields can also be seen as Pendulums according to Vadim Zeland.
Shifting Through Infinite States
“We are all moving through states. You find you can go wherever you want to. It’s not the privilege of the rich; it’s the privilege of the man who can imagine.”
– Neville Goddard
The realms of consciousness are invisible.
They are weightless and operate by different rules.
In the spiritual and mental realms you need only imagine what you want for it to become a reality.
Those who have practiced lucid dreaming should be familiar with this concept.
If you believe you can fly and hold onto the idea with complete faith, you will find yourself effortlessly flying across the dream plane.
I have done this plenty of times and highly recommend it.
“He calls a thing that is not seen as though it were seen and the unseen becomes seen.”
– Neville
This quote derived from a biblical passage explains the spiritual truth.
To move through states in the realm of consciousness we need only to shift our attention to what we want.
We need to call the unseen.
This shift requires practice and ongoing vigilance.
You need to become what Charles Haanel called the watchman at the gate.
This works only when you apply mental energy to assuming the new state.
This doesn’t mean to strain and stress your way to the new.
The process happens naturally; you simply choose to focus on what you want to become and ignore the evidence from the senses.
In time you will notice a change in your outer behavior.
James Allen perfectly explains this process in his classic ‘As a Man Thinketh’ when he tells a story about The Youth.
Here is a youth hard pressed by poverty and labour; confined long hours in an unhealthy workshop; unschooled, and lacking all the arts of refinement. But he dreams of better things; he thinks of intelligence, of refinement, of grace and beauty. He conceives of, mentally builds up, an ideal condition of life; the vision of a wider liberty and a larger scope takes possession of him; unrest urges him to action, and he utilizes all his spare time and means, small though they are, to the development of his latent powers and resources. Very soon so altered has his mind become that the workshop can no longer hold him. It has become so out of harmony with his mentality that it falls out of his life as a garment is cast aside, and, with the growth of opportunities, which fit the scope of his expanding powers, he passes out of it forever. Years later we see this youth as a full-grown man. We find him a master of certain forces of the mind, which he wields with worldwide influence and almost unequalled power. In his hands he holds the cords of gigantic responsibilities; he speaks, and lo, lives are changed; men and women hang upon his words and remould their characters, and, sunlike, he becomes the fixed and luminous centre round which innumerable destinies revolve. He has realized the Vision of his youth. He has become one with his Ideal.
The Youth through first imagining becomes unsatisfied with his outer conditions.
His mental shift ushers in a change to his physical world through the principle of correspondence
As Above So Below.
The Physical reflecting the Mental planes.
As you shift your attention, you gravitate towards attractors more fitting towards the attainment of your goals.
Imagine a point in Lorenz’s butterfly shifting from one attractor to another!
Soon you will think along similar lines as those who have walked before you.
You will take similar actions as you cross The Bridge of Incidents.
Eventually you will see your ideal for the second time (you would have already seen it spiritually).
The minds of Andrew Carnegie and Henry Ford are not too different from those of Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk.
The spirit of the greatest athletes of all time is similar across generations.
They are influenced by the same attractor fields and they have visited familiar mental states.
When will you begin your pilgrimage?
Do this, and you will be one step closer to living and dying well.