The Principle of Correspondence – Hermetic Philosophy Explained
The Principle of Correspondence is the second of the seven Hermetic Principles. It explains the hidden intelligence shown through recurring patterns within the different planes of existence.
Correspondence is the basis of the popular Hermetic axiom.
As above, so below; as below, so above.”
The phrase was derived from The Emerald Tablet of Hermes.
“That which is above is from that which is below, and that which is below is from that which is above, working the miracles of one.”
— Line 2, Emerald Tablet of Hermes
Correspondence is said to exist on the several planes of existence.
For simplicity’s sake we will first look at examples of correspondence on the physical plane.
Fractals – The Principle of Correspondence In Nature
In geometry, fractals are never-ending patterns which are infinitely complex and self-similar along different scales.
The Fibonacci spiral is perhaps one of the most popular fractals. It can be seen on a small scale in the pattern of a nautilus shell.
It is observed on a bigger scale when you look at the formation of a hurricane.
The pattern can even be identified on a galactic scale when you analyze the formation of a spiral galaxy.
Coastlines are another great example of natural fractals.
If you zoom in to a coastline from space, the pattern you see looks very similar.
It is difficult to measure the length of a coastline because of the thousands of fractal patterns.
This has created what’s often called the coastline paradox.
As you can see there are lots of examples of the principle of correspondence in nature.
But The Kybalion tells us that this principle transcends the world of nature.
There is a correspondence between all planes of existence.
The Planes of Correspondence Explained
The Kybalion is based on the presupposition that the Universe is a mental construct of The ALL.
The ALL being the infinite intelligence which created everything.
This principle is called Mentalism.
In this mental universe there are different planes of existence.
But what is a plane?
In our physical world, we define a dimension based on a degree of measurement.
A two degree object like a square might be measured by length and width.
A cube is a third dimensional version of a square.
Squares become cubes when you add the extra dimension of depth.
Each dimension makes the object more complex and more real.
Great! So we have a way of differentiating geometrical objects.
But how do we differentiate between a rock and a man?
Surely measuring their dimensions with a ruler won’t tell us much.
Both are in the third dimension, but there is a clear difference in complexity or life force between a rock and a man.
The Hermetics believe the difference can be measured in terms of ‘vibrations’.
“The degrees of the “rate” of vibrations constitute the degrees of measurement on the Scale of Vibrations…these degrees form what occultists call “Planes.” The higher the degree of rate of vibration, the higher the plane, and the higher the manifestation of Life occupying that plane.”
— The Kybalion
It’s now well known by scientists that all things vibrate (The Principle of Vibration).
Even a wall which might appear solid is mostly empty space filled with vibrating atoms.
Study quantum mechanics and you will find this to be true.
The degree of vibration of an object can be used to discern its spiritual dimension.
The higher the vibration, the closer it is to The ALL.
The planes of correspondence are thus abstractions used to help make sense of the different phenomena which arise at different degrees of vibration.
“So that while a plane is not “a place,” nor yet “a state or condition,” yet it possesses qualities common to both.” — The Kybalion
When you are dreaming, your consciousness is on a different plane to the one experienced in physical reality.
The dreamscape possesses qualities of your physical reality but it’s not a physical place, it’s mental.
It feels like a place just as a wall feels solid.
Certain characteristics appear at different dimensions due to the power of emergence.
Water molecules magically transform into vapor at 100 degrees because of emergence.
It’s the same water but the form is observably different.
Same with the planes of correspondence; you will subjectively experience different things at different levels.
The Three Major Planes of Correspondence
The three planes outlined in The Kybalion are:
I. The Great Physical Plane
II. The Great Mental Plane
III. The Great Spiritual Plane
Each Great Plane is said to have 7 Minor planes, and each minor plane having 7 sub planes.
All planes are on a great continuum.
This hermetic model is simply a way of making sense of the complexity.
“The different Planes shade into each other, so that no hard and fast division may be made between the higher phenomena of the Physical and the lower of the Mental.”
— The Kybalion
They are basically made of the same stuff just vibrating at different degrees.
It’s all energy and consciousness taking on different forms.
“The Hermetic Philosophy does not recognize Matter as a “thing in itself,” or as having a separate existence even in the Mind of THE ALL. The Teachings are that Matter is but a form of Energy — that is, Energy at a low rate of vibrations of a certain kind.”
— The Kybalion
Einstein famously discovered this relationship between energy and matter just 3 years before the Kybalion was published with his equation E=mc^2.
Energy and mass are basically the same thing as c is just a constant (the speed of light).
I. The Great Physical Plane
The Great Physical Plane describes the ascension from fundamental chemical states (liquid, gases and solids) to more sophisticated phenomena such as magnetism, subtle energy and biological bodies.
Most of the things observed on this plane are well known in the fields of science.
Some concepts such as the ether have been disproved but the general idea is sound.
This plane is self-evident and is the favorite of materialists because its phenomena can be observed through the scientific method.
This plane is home to our bodies and the physical world we all enjoy.
II. The Great Mental Plane
The Great Mental Plane is the dominion of the mind and thought.
Hermetics believed that minerals and plants are endowed with mind.
“These entities may be called “souls” in one sense, and are living beings of a low degree of development, life, and mind…The average mind does not generally attribute the possession of mind, soul, or life, to the Mineral kingdom.”
— The Kybalion
This is hard for many people to believe because there are no effective means of measuring Mind.
There is still much dispute surrounding the relationship between the brain and mind in human beings.
Contemplation of the mind of minerals, crystals and plants is beyond most people’s comfort zones.
This plane also hosts Elemental Mind of three different degrees.
Elementals are said to be a
“class of entities unknown to the average man, but recognized to occultists. They are invisible to the ordinary senses of man, but, nevertheless, exist and play their part of the Drama of the Universe.”
— The Kybalion
Since they reside in the mental plane they can only be experienced subjectively.
The Earth, Water, Fire and Wind Elementals are well known to shamans and occult practitioners.
There is also a plane of animal mind which is inhabited by the minds of animals.
“The average man of to-day occupies but the fourth sub-division of the Plane of Human Mind, and only the most intelligent have crossed the borders of the Fifth Sub-Division.”
— The Kybalion
You can assume the likes of Einstein and Newton resided in the fifth sub-division.
An interesting aside, Isaac Newton was a big fan of Hermetic philosophy and Alchemy.
He even did his own translation of The Emerald Tablet of Hermes.
According to the Hermetics, it will take mankind many years to reach the seventh subdivision of The Great Mental Plane.
Different races have supposedly already done this and moved on to higher levels.
Perhaps there is some truth in the Ra Materials.
III. The Great Spiritual Plane
This plane is difficult to explain to the human mind.
Most humans are stuck in the physical world and disregard the mental world as being purely imaginary and unimportant.
How then can they understand the transcended?
It will be like trying to explain the internet to an ant.
This major plane is the realm of the Gods and avatars.
“Comprise Beings possessing Life, Mind and Form as far above that of Man of to-day as the latter is above the earth-worm, mineral or even certain forms of Energy or Matter… The Life of these Beings so far transcends ours, that we cannot even think of the details of the same; their Minds so far transcend ours, that to them we scarcely seem to ‘think’.”
— The Kybalion
Potentially the realm of The Watchers or Anunnaki of legend.
This is where you can find angels, archangels and other mythological and religious archetypes.
There is not much to say about this plane because it’s past comprehension.
Practical Examples of The Principle of Correspondence
“’As Above so Below; as Below, so Above’, all of the Seven Hermetic Principles are in full operation on all of the many planes, Physical, Mental and Spiritual.“
— The Kybalion
All seven hermetic principles apply to every plane of correspondence, which leads to some interesting conclusions.
Negative thinking and trauma
We have all seen someone think themselves into an illness.
Perhaps they are stressed about business and are unsure about the future of their company.
Every moment is spent thinking about disaster.
Thoughts of negativity dominate their Mental Plane.
In time, the negative mental state is expressed in the Physical Plane as sickness or disease in the body.
This is seen in trauma victims whose emotional wounds manifest in the body. (Read The Body Keeps The Score to learn more.)
It’s also the reason humans tend to have different diseases from other animals.
Most animals do not die from chronic illness, they do not stay sick for years.
Animals in the wild usually die suddenly from being eaten or accidentally like falling off a cliff.
Humans through stress slowly poison themselves into a painful death. (Read Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers to learn more.)
Manifestation Lucid Dreaming vs Reality
A lucid dream is a dream in which you are aware that you are dreaming.
Most people, upon this realization, spoke themselves into waking up; others who train in the matter can remain within the dream.
The dreamscape is occupied in the Mental Plane similar to the art of thinking or daydreaming.
Whilst lucid one can direct their dream.
They can manifest things instantly simply by thinking with intention.
If you want to fly, you set the intention with faith and you will fly.
If there is any doubt in your mind you will find yourself incapable of flight.
Manifestation in the dream world is instant because you are not bogged down by inert matter.
The same principle applies in the physical world but to a different degree.
If you hold a thought in your mind for a long period of time, you will find that your world will begin to change.
Let’s say you want to sell your business for 8 figures.
You hold the thought and other thoughts appear in your mind.
You encounter contacts which can help you with the transaction.
You walk the Bridge of Incidents as your subconscious mind guides you to selling your business.
The process in the physical world might take 4 years, whilst it might have been done in the dream world in 4 seconds.
The same principle applies.
Thought and intention can change your reality.
As above, so below.
The Principle of Correspondence In Relation to Mentalism
As explained in The Principle of Mentalism, The All is in all.
This does not mean “you are ‘GOD’”,
As many lunatics like to shout after experimenting with psychedelics.
“THE ALL is in the earth-worm, and yet the earth-worm is far from being THE ALL.”
— The Kybalion
This ALL which you may call The Tao, Universal Mind or God is in all things.
Each spirit from the earth worm to the archangel is having its own unique experience within the mind of The All.
The phenomenon of Mentalism is consistent on all levels of Correspondence.
Look at any Law and you will find examples of correspondence.
Use this principle wisely.
Do this, and you will be one step closer to living and dying well.