The Principle of Gender is the seventh and final Hermetic Law as stated by The Kybalion.
The importance of this principle is highlighted in the following quote.
“Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes.”
— The Kybalion
In this article, you will learn how to use the principle of gender for practical reality creation.
What do the Hermetics mean by Gender?
The concept of gender in reference to the teachings of The Kybalion is different from the scientific or biological definition.
This gender relates to the concept of creation.
“The office of Gender is solely that of creating, producing, generating…”
Gender is split into two aspects: a feminine and masculine principle.
According to the Hermetics, attraction happens between these two differing principles and the manifestations can be seen throughout nature.
Take for instance the attraction of different atoms and subatomic particles based on differing charges.
“…the positive corpuscles seeming to exert a certain influence upon the negative corpuscles, causing the latter to assume certain combinations and thus “create” or “generate” an atom. This is in line with the most ancient Hermetic Teachings, which have always identified the Masculine principle of Gender with the “Positive,” and the Feminine with the “Negative” Poles of Electricity.”
—The Kybalion
The attraction between man and woman is an obvious result of gender.
Even in homosexual couples, you will observe there tends to be one partner who is more masculine and one more feminine.
For there to be attraction there needs to be a difference between masculine and feminine polarities.
You might have observed how a masculine woman often repels a masculine man.
Or how a feminine woman is not attracted to feminine men.
In the natural world every species has two genders.
Even plants have the male of the species and the female.
Because of the principle of gender.
So now we have spoken about the principle of gender on the physical plane.
As stated by the principle of correspondence,
“as above, so below”,
This law of gender must operate on the Mental and Spiritual Planes.
Next we will look at the interesting ramifications of gender on the Mental Plane.
Mental gender – The Principle of Gender Explained
The masculine principle of gender is associated with the conscious mind.
The feminine principle of gender is associated with the subconscious mind.
“There is this dual aspect in the mind of every person. The “I” represents the Masculine Principle of Mental Gender — the “Me” represents the Female Principle. The “I” represents the Aspect of Being; the “Me” the Aspect of Becoming.”
— The Kybalion
The conscious mind ‘I’ deals with the objective world.
It deals with what can be seen, logic and other practical matters.
This is the mind one might use when calculating the answer to a mathematical equation.
The subconscious ‘Me’ deals with the subjective world.
This is the mind of emotions, creativity and possibility.
When a genius physicist like Einstein daydreams and arrives at that ‘aha’ moment, he is using the subconscious feminine mind.
Both minds are important when it comes to the work of creation.
Just as you need a male and female to create a baby, you need both minds working together to create a new reality for yourself.
“The Feminine Principle conducts the work of generating new thoughts, concepts, ideas, including the work of the imagination. The Masculine Principle contents itself with the work of the ‘Will’, in its varied phases.”
— The Kybalion
People who are too caught up in their feminine tend to become dreamers.
They have amazing ideas and creativity, but they lack the discipline, which comes from the masculine polarity, to realize the ideal.
People who are stuck in the masculine can do the work but never create anything original.
They don’t take chances and simply follow the rules.
The key is to use both aspects of gender.
Go into the silence and allow your subconscious to prompt you with suggestions.
Then use the conscious mind to organize these ideas and create a plan you can execute.
Mental Suggestion
Your conscious mind influences your subconscious and vice versa.
Many people don’t understand that the conscious mind of others can influence their subconscious mind if they are not careful.
“The majority of persons really employ the Masculine Principle but little, and are content to live according to the thoughts and ideas instilled into the “Me” from the “I” of other minds.”
— The Kybalion
Mental suggestion is the result of the powerful masculine principle (conscious minds) of others influencing the subconscious minds of the receptive.
This dynamic is what makes propaganda so effective.
The masses who don’t understand the dual nature of their minds are sitting ducks to the programming generated by those in the know.
The elites who are initiated in occult secrets use these principles to create the world they want.
One of the most popular occultists, Aleister Crowley, famously states,
“Do what thou wilt, that is the whole of the law.”
A quote which many people have interpreted literally.
On a smaller scale, this principle of gender is behind the concept of hypnotism.
When you are hypnotized, your feminine principle of the mind responds to the masculine principle of the hypnotist.
Note how hypnotism works for only those who are more receptive.
People who are more masculine tend to be more skeptical and less affected by the hypnotist’s efforts.
A degree of willingness is needed for the practice to work.
The mysterious concept of telepathic communication works in a similar way.
“In the phenomena of Telepathy it is seen how the Vibratory Energy of the Masculine Principle is projected toward the Feminine Principle of another person, and the latter takes the seed-thought and allows it to develop into maturity.”
— The Kybalion
You might have noticed when you are in tune with a partner, you begin to have the same thoughts often at the same time.
These spooky occurrences are the natural result of your minds being in resonance.
One person’s masculine mind will send a message to the other’s feminine.
You can practice this with a guessing game in which one person projects a number between 1 and 20 to the other.
The other person’s job is to guess the number.
Track how many times you get a hit, and you might be surprised to see that your success beats the odds of chance.
This telepathic communication is widely practiced in indigenous cultures whose minds have not been jumbled by social media.
How To Use The Principle of Gender
We lightly touched on the practical use of this principle earlier, but now we will dive deep into the topic.
The principle of gender can be used effectively on the physical plane by learning to switch between your feminine and masculine aspects.
Each person has both aspects manifesting to different degrees.
A CEO might be incredibly masculine regarding her work, managing her team and hitting sales goals, but in her feminine with her husband at home.
The idea is to learn when to switch between a masculine, more willful role to a feminine, more receptive role.
In business it might be to your benefit to find a partner who complements the aspect you don’t express regularly.
So if you are a logical, operations-and-systems type of person who prefers to work at the backend of the business,
You might find a partner who is a people person, highly empathic and vision oriented.
The same concept should be used when finding a romantic partner; you don’t want someone who is too much like you.
You also don’t want someone on the opposite side of the pole, otherwise attraction can quickly transform into chaos.
On the mental plane, it’s important to learn about your two minds.
Master your subconscious and your conscious mind.
Learn the tools and methods to switch between them.
Tools such as mental models are great for your conscious mind.
Practices such as meditation and journaling allow your subconscious to come alive.
You will need both minds if you are to succeed.
Most people lack the masculine aspect of mind and thus are herded like sheep by their masters.
“Unfortunately, the Masculine Principle in the average person is too lazy to act — the display of Will-Power is too slight — and the consequence is that such persons are ruled almost entirely by the minds and wills of other persons, whom they allow to do their thinking and willing for them.”
— The Kybalion
Strengthen your weak points so you can create your reality.
Do this, and you will be one step closer to living and dying well.