The Master Key System Chapter 22 deals with healing through a change in thought vibrations.
Haanel begins by reiterating how our current conditions in finances, health and happiness are the result of our previous thinking.
Because of this, the metaphor of a garden becomes appropriate to highlight the manifestation process.
“…every thought produces an impression on the mind; every impression is a seed which will sink into the subconscious and form a tendency; the tendency will be to attract other similar thoughts and before we know it we shall have a crop which must be harvested.”
— Charles Haanel
This metaphor continues the observations of the great James Allen who spoke of The Garden of The Mind in his classic ‘As A Man Thinketh’.
What you sow is what you will reap, so pay attention to the thoughts you entertain on a daily basis.
Thought patterns become habits which are reinforced by the subconscious mind.
The subconscious mind can heal or destroy the body depending your dominant thoughts.
The Master Key System Chapter 22: Thoughts effect on the body
Many people do not believe that mere thinking can have an effect on the body.
Haanel provides several examples which show the power thoughts possess.
“Some one says something to you which strikes you as ludicrous and you laugh, possibly until your whole body shakes, which shows that thought has control over the muscles of your body; or some one says something which excites your sympathy and your eyes fill with tears, which shows that thought controls the glands of your body; or some one says something which makes you angry and the blood mounts to your cheek, which shows that thought controls the circulation of your blood.”
Haanel explains how the subconscious mind has an even greater effect than the conscious mind when it comes to matters of healing.
When you’re injured or sick, the body will heal you without any conscious interference from you.
You don’t have to tell your heart to keep beating or your lungs to work properly.
These functions are run by a greater intelligence, the same intelligence which is connected to The Universal Mind.
But as we have learned in previous chapters the conscious mind can influence the subconscious.
Because of this, you can indirectly influence your health.
“If there is any physical condition which it is necessary to change, the law governing visualization will be found effective. Make a mental image of physical perfection, hold it in the mind until it is absorbed by the consciousness.”
According to Haanel, visualization works well to facilitate healing because it changes the vibration of the body.
“We can change the vibration and thus produce any condition which we desire to manifest in our bodies.”
Teachers of old like Émile Coué and even newer ones like Dr. Joe Dispenza go deeper into this idea of healing through mental changes.
The Dangers of Fear in Healing
What is commonly accepted even amongst mainstream scientists is the debilitating power of fear and stress on the immune system.
When we are in fight-or-flight, many of our bodily functions do not work as intended.
The healing process becomes compromised and illness will gain a stronghold in the body.
“…as these millions of repair cells are all intelligent and respond to our thought, they are often paralyzed and rendered impotent by our thoughts of fear, doubt, and anxiety.”
It’s incredibly important to overcome your fear and stress when doing this work.
This idea is simple in theory but can be difficult to practice due to our societal conditioning of putting a bigger emphasis on the outer world over the inner.
The Master Key System Chapter 22 Exercise
For your exercise this week concentrate on Tennyson’s beautiful lines.
“Speak to Him, thou, for He hears, and spirit with spirit can meet, Closer is He than breathing, and nearer than hands and feet.”
Haanel gives another meditative exercise in week 22.
‘He’ in this passage represents the Universal Mind.
You are to meditate on your connection with this power.
This realization and recognition of this Omnipresent power will quickly destroy any and every form of sickness or suffering and substitute harmony and perfection.
Do this, and you will be one step closer to living and dying well.