The Master Key System Chapter 12 Explained —Understanding The Law of Attraction
The Master Key System Chapter 12 deals with The Law of Attraction and the power of concentration.
Charles Haanel begins by reasserting the incredible power of thought.
“Man’s power to think is infinite, consequently his creative power is unlimited.”
Thoughts are the first principles of creation, and as long as you are alive you are able to think and thus create.
Physical abilities such as strength and flexibility might deteriorate with age, but your ability to think can stay strong until your dying days.
Think of writers rewarded for their creativity.
They start off by thinking which leads to world-building.
George R.R. Martin (the creator of Game of Thrones) is now approaching his 80s.
He wrote his first novel in 1977 and can still use his mind to create new worlds.
Perhaps his hands might fail him and someone else will have to write for him.
Perhaps it might become harder for him to read his own work.
But as long as he can think, he can create.
And millions of fans will be captivated by his creations.
Perhaps the quintessential example of the power of thought comes from the late Stephen Hawking who was wheelchair-bound.
Hawkings was paralyzed from the neck down due to a motor neuron disease.
Despite this, he was still able to make some amazing theories about black holes 1000s of light years away from us.
The Watchman at the gate is the key
“Eternal vigilance is the price of success.”
We often think that the subconscious mind is most important when it comes to matters of success.
In reality it’s actually the conscious mind which is important.
The subconscious mind is a powerful servant which gets direction from your conscious mind.
Most people do not use their conscious minds properly; they try to force actions which are against their nature with willpower.
These efforts are short-lived and old patterns tend to reestablish themselves.
The job of the conscious mind is to guard one’s thinking and the impressions which enter the mind.
Success comes to those who are eternally vigilant about their thoughts.
The subconscious mind runs the software, while the conscious mind is the coder.
Coding is arduous work; you must pay attention to each line of code or risk having software which doesn’t work properly.
“To have one ideal today, another tomorrow, and a third next week, means to scatter your forces and accomplish nothing.”
The conscious mind needs to maintain the desired ideal in the mind.
Concentrated thought and clear vision will focus the power of the subconscious mind.
Haanel gives the example of a sculptor who wants to make art out of a piece of marble but keeps changing the design as they chisel.
The final product won’t be like Michelangelo’s David.
It will be an abomination.
Great artists like Michelangelo have a clear image in their minds before they even begin the work.
The Master Key System Chapter 12 Big Idea: The Law of Attraction
“The law is that thought will correlate with its object and bring forth in the material world the correspondence of the thing thought or produced in the mental world.”
The Law of Attraction is the means by which your spiritual prototype manifests in the physical world.
Every thought and intention you entertain sets forth a chain of events which ultimately leads to a change in outer circumstances.
The law of Attraction just like Natural Laws is always working,
Any failure to understand how and why things manifest as they do is merely a limitation of our mortal minds.
“If a bridge falls, we do not attribute the collapse to any variation of the law of gravitation. If a light fails us, we do not conclude that the laws governing electricity cannot be depended upon.”
In the field of Chaos Theory we learn about The Butterfly Effect.
Chaotic systems are sensitive to initial conditions: a butterfly flapping its wings in Africa might set in motion the chain of events needed to cause a hurricane in America.
These conditions are so sensitive and can’t be calculated accurately even with supercomputers.
If this is the case for physical matter, just imagine how ephemeral thought can lead to extreme manifestations.
Perhaps a thought you had twenty years ago is the reason for you being with the person you are with today.
Or a thought you had three months ago led you to starting a new business venture.
The law of cause and effect is always in action.
“By the simple process of governing our thought forces today, we help create the events which will come into our lives in the future, perhaps even tomorrow.”
The Master Key System Chapter 12 Exercise Explained
This week go to the same room, take the same chair, and the same position as heretofore. Be sure to relax. Let go, both mentally and physically; always do this; never try to do any mental work under pressure; see that there are no tense muscles or nerves, that you are entirely comfortable. Now realize your unity with omnipotence; get into touch with this power, come into a deep and vital understanding, appreciation, and realization of the fact that your ability to think is your ability to act upon the Universal Mind and bring it into manifestation. Realize that it will meet any and every requirement; that you have exactly the same potential ability which any individual ever did have or ever will have, because each is but an expression or manifestation of the One. All are parts of the whole. There is no difference in kind or quality — the only difference being one of degree.
Haanel suggests continuing the exercise in the same location in which you have done all the other exercises.
Sitting in the same chair primes your mind for creative thought.
The chair gets associated with constructive thinking in the same way as your bed is associated with sleeping.
This exercise is about contemplating your connection with Universal Mind.
Think about how we are all parts of the same whole, and how despite all our differences we come from the same source.
Think about how others just like you have accomplished amazing things, and how you, too, can do those things if you simply tune your thinking to the right frequency.
Do this, and you will be one step closer to living and dying well.