The Master key System Chapter 3 Summary
The Master Key System Chapter 3 expands on the lessons taught in Chapters 1 and 2.
It starts by explaining how the organ of the conscious mind is the system of nerves of the cerebrospinal (relating to the brain and spine).
The organ for the subconscious mind is the sympathetic nervous system.
It’s important to understand that the book was written in 1912, and these observations were made with the understanding of human anatomy available at the time.
The reality is likely more complex, but we will continue.
Haanel believed the Solar Plexus (a complex ganglionic mass of nerves at the back of the stomach) was the centre point of energy in the human body.
The Solar Plexus is also called the Celiac Plexus.
It is the location of the Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra in Yogic traditions.
Haanel shows how this energy centre can be influenced by the conscious mind due to the anatomical systems of the cerebrospinal and sympathetic systems being linked by the vagus nerve.
“The Solar Plexus is the point at which the part meets with the whole, where the finite becomes Infinite, where the Uncreate becomes create, the Universal becomes individualized, the Invisible becomes visible. It is the point at which life appears and there is no limit to the amount of life an individual may generate from this Solar centre.”
The Master key System Chapter 3 Big Idea: Solar Plexus Optimization
Haanel compares the solar plexus to the sun.
It can radiate energy allowing the body to stay healthy when one’s thoughts are constructive.
“When the Solar Plexus is in active operation and is radiating life, energy, and vitality …The body is filled with health and all with whom he comes in contact experience a pleasant sensation.”
People who control their thoughts, and in turn the energy radiating from their solar plexus, are more magnetic.
People gravitate towards them, and they can accomplish more than the average.
This can be done by focusing on thoughts of courage, power and confidence.
Anything which feels expansive will give you energy from the solar plexus.
Non-constructive thoughts which tend to be those of sadness and contraction strip away this vital energy.
According to Haanel, this is no small matter but is ‘the cause of every ill to the human race — physical, mental, or environmental’.
So, what causes the flow to be disturbed?
The biggest culprit is the emotion of fear.
“This enemy must be completely destroyed; he must be eliminated; he must be expelled forever; he is the cloud which hides the sun which causes a perpetual gloom.”
— Haanel
When you look at the greatest evils that have happened in the history of humanity, you will always see fear as the motivating emotion.
If it wasn’t for fear, Hitler would not have been able to mobilize his armies to commit horrendous crimes during the Holocaust.
If it wasn’t for fear, neighbours would not have killed their neighbours based on ethnic background, like what happened in the Rwandan genocide.
Look at any atrocity committed by mankind, and you will see fear as the backbone.
Even greed comes from the fear of not having enough.
Fear is the most insidious and primal emotion with the capacity to do serious damage.
How To Orient the Mind For Success
“What, then, is the most natural way of making the desired impression? Mentally concentrate on the object of your desire; when you are concentrating you are impressing the subconscious.”
— Haanel
The quickest way to control your mind is by focusing on what you want.
If you want to feel happy, you need to consciously think happy thoughts until they are impressed on the subconscious.
When this happens, this thinking pattern becomes habituated.
The mind which seeks to expand will look for ways to bring more of what you resonate with in your life.
“It is our attitude of mind toward life which determines the experiences with which we are to meet; if we expect nothing, we shall have nothing; if we demand much, we shall receive the greater portion.”
— Haanel
What you want also wants you.
If your mind is not fixed on the end goal, you will never achieve it.
This is The Law of Attraction.
It’s also important to remember that you do not need to have all the answers.
Through the Bridge of Incidents what you want will come to you.
You cannot decide exactly how the journey will unfold because ‘the finite cannot inform the Infinite’.
There is a higher intelligence that controls various elements which are incomprehensible to your mortal mind.
You are in charge only of your plane of causation (your actions).
But how can we trust that what we want will be created if we don’t have the exact plan?
Haanel tells us that we are ‘the channel by which the undifferentiated is being differentiated, and this differentiation is being accomplished by appropriation’.
That sounds like a mouthful, so I will explain it.
The undifferentiated simply means things which have not been manifested in our physical plane.
These things are of a higher order.
Just like in mathematics, when you differentiate something, you change it from one form to another.
The manifestation is accomplished by appropriation.
When you appropriate something, you take it for your own use and benefit.
When we are taking to help manifest what we want on the physical plane, that is the means of creation used by the Universal Mind – thought.
“…the Universal can act only through the individual, and the individual can act only through the Universal — they are one.”
The Master Key System Chapter 3 Exercise Explained
Here are the instructions for The Master Key System Chapter 3 Lesson.
“For your exercise this week, I will ask you to go one step further. I want you to not only be perfectly still, and inhibit all thought as far as possible, but relax. Let go. Let the muscles take their normal condition; this will remove all pressure from the nerves and eliminate that tension which so frequently produces physical exhaustion.”
The Chapter 2 exercise asked you to sit perfectly still and inhibit all thought. In chapter 2 we were left in the dark with this impossible task.
Lesson 3 shows you how to do this by relaxing the body.
This is a form of mindfulness training which helps you move your attention away from mental activity.
You ground your awareness into the body and can slow down the stream of thoughts.
“Tension leads to mental unrest and abnormal mental activity of the mind; it produces worry, care, fear, and anxiety. Relaxation is therefore an absolute necessity in order to allow the mental faculties to exercise the greatest freedom.”
— Haanel
When you learn to relax, you learn to reclaim your mind from negative outside events.
You regain control and can focus on the things you want to focus on.
This is how you can begin programming your subconscious mind at the highest level.
Do this, and you will be one step closer to living and dying well.