The best laid plans of Mice and Men Despite all our best wishes the age old maxim remains true ‘the best laid plans of mice and men often go astray’.In this dynamic world we can not completely control our outcomes however we do have the power to react to the events that transpire in life….
Author: Isaac
Are you a producer or consumer? | Make the shift
The Consumer The consumer mindset is the mindset of the masses. Savvy marketers run elaborate campaigns utilising psychological methods that most of us have never heard of in order to make us believe that we need to make a purchase. we have been conditioned to believe that through the acquirement of material things we can…
Your Biggest Asset | unplug from social media
What is your biggest Asset? Don’t be fooled by material things that are ephemeral in nature, don’t be fooled by the numbers in your bank statement or the number of houses you own. Your biggest asset is the one you can’t get back, the one that will be most valuable to you if you choose…
Your Word Is Your Bond | Intense Integrity
Your Word Is Your Bond Too many people loosely throw out their promises to others, and do not keep them. Whether it is through failing to arrive on time, or not completing something , a lack of conviction in keeping ones word is horrible quality to have. We have all undoubtedly experienced a ‘flaker’, someone…
Adorn the Mind and Body | Be the whole package
Be the whole package | Full Cup I am sure you have met that gym junkie who never stops talking about the ‘Iron Paradise’. That person who sticks to their diet and always looks good during the summertime, but can never have a conversation that doesn’t revolve around their fitness. You probably have also met…
Understand ‘Value’ before you make money
What exactly is money? When you wanted to buy that new Mac Book Pro laptop that you had been dreaming of, you forked out a couple hundred dollars in order to make the purchase. How did you get that money in the first place? You worked for it, exchanging your time and effort in order…
The Killer instinct | Become a closer | Success in life
What is the killer instinct? The killer instinct is not common, it belongs only to the audacious ones. Having the killer instinct is the difference between those who achieve greatness, and those who are forgotten in history. The killer instinct is being able to identify opportunities, creep up behind them with your nunchakus, and assassinate…
Destroy the victim mindset| Be like water
The Victim Mindset The victim mindset is the most detrimental mindset to have in the pursuit of happiness, it is also the greatest road block to success. The problem with the victim mindset is that it paralyses you out of action through creating a torrent of excuses. If you are taking no action and are…
How to Meditate | 3 Easy methods to presence
How to meditate Previously in my article ‘The Benefits of Meditation’ I discussed the incredible benefits that are received through having meditation as a daily habit. In this article we will jump into the various methods you can use in order get better results with your meditation practice. A common misconception that people tend…
Despise the free Lunch | Entrepreneur Mindset
Law 40: Despise the free lunch ‘What is offered for free is dangerous—it usually involves either a trick or a hidden obligation. What has worth is worth paying for’ These are the opening words to Law 40:’Despise the free lunch’, of Robert Greene’s notorious classic ‘The 48 Laws of Power’. The words are a clear…